Free on-demand video:
How to guide your teen to choose
the right major, college, & career...
(...without painting themselves into a corner, missing
crucial deadlines, or risking choices you both regret).
Here's What You'll Learn

Secret #1
How flipping the script on the college admissions process can help ensure an on-time (and on budget!) graduation and a career your teen will love.

Secret #2
How to know *beyond any doubt* that your teen has chosen the right college, major, and career path, and hasn’t based their decision on luck, picked the “safe” option, or inadvertently restricted their potential.

Secret #3
How to ensure your teen’s choices in their senior year don't trap them in an unsuitable major, or close the door on an opportunity no amount of money or persuasion can open.

This on-demand video training is a MUST-WATCH if:
- You don’t know what you don’t know: It’s been years since you went to college, and you know times have changed. The last thing you want to do is give your child the wrong advice!
- You want a timeline you can trust: Make sure your child’s future planning checks all the required boxes in the right order–and without missing any important deadlines.
- You want reassurance from a trusted expert: Even if your student is already considering a specific college major and/or career, you need to make sure that the decision is an informed one.
A personal invitation from Lisa
For over two decades, I’ve worked with thousands of students as an independent college counselor. A decade ago, I doubled down specifically on college major and career coaching for students because I realized those two things were the cornerstone of post-high school planning.
I have taken over 3,700 students through this proven framework I developed, taking them from confused and overwhelmed to clear, confident, and motivated. Forbes magazine cited it as a crucial first step in improving the ROI on college.
In my parent favorite video, I teach your family how to avoid the pitfalls and share the step-by-step process I use with my students (and my own kids) to help them (and you!) find relief that they are making the right decisions.

And I’ll see you soon!
My Best,

Lisa's video training significantly benefited our three oldest children.
"The expectations placed on 16 and 17-year-olds for understanding career options and interests can be overwhelming. Her video course significantly benefited our three oldest children. Having a well-defined process that yielded a focused list of careers that matched their personality and a plan for confirming the identified career areas was like having an enormous weight taken off their shoulders. Identifying careers, then college majors, and finally, specific colleges put us at ease and feel better about our financial investments as parents." ~Jeanne & Bill Dwyer

As our son finished his first year at college, he thrived in the right major at the right school.
"My easy-going son, Lucas, was preparing to apply to engineering programs when doubts crept in just before senior year. Looming application deadlines made all of us panicky, and as parents, we weren't sure how to help him. Lisa's video course and personality assessment gave him a better picture of how he is wired and how to find careers where he will thrive. He pivoted from engineering to business and, as he finishes his freshman year, is thriving in the right major at the right school." ~Tasha Brown

We have a path to the finish line.
"We felt like we'd messed up during the middle of junior year, and it was too late. Then Lisa's video course gave us a framework that drew more out of my teen than I ever could have. Now we aren't fighting and arguing all the time, and we have a path to get to the finish line." ~Jenn Milligan

Lisa's video training is excellent.
"Trying to help your son or daughter figure out potential college majors and career interests can overwhelm them as students and you as a parent. Three of our daughters participated inĀ Lisa's video course. Lisa's framework allowed for meaningful progress in helping our kids feel more knowledgeable and prepared for college. It's a great value." ~Ken & Anita Kern
Will your teen be ready to pick a college major?
Ready or not, high school graduation is coming–quickly. And, as much as you may want to, you can’t slow it or stop it from happening. I get it! I’m a mom with three children of my own. I’ve been in your exact same shoes, and I know how hard it can be to figure out what comes next after graduation, especially when some steps along the way can feel overwhelming.
For example, most college applications require students to select and apply to a specific major. Unfortunately, if students change their minds after admission, undoing that decision can be difficult. At the very least, they’re looking at limited options or, over four years in school–and more tuition! Did you know that 59% of college students don’t graduate in four years?
The GOOD NEWS is, there are strategies you can implement now to pick the right path to set up your family for success – and avoid unnecessary stress, missed deadlines, and limited options. I can’t wait to show you how